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An Action Comedy Short Film

Honey Trap.jpg

by  Georges Bizet
Bay View Music  Festival

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An Action Comedy Short Film

     Bay View Music Festival        

Broadsword Fight

Fight performed by Dave Grant and Nick Gisonde

Fight Scene from The Honey Trap

Fights performed by Anna Myrha, Paul Krisikos and Nick Gisonde

Just Another Day At The Office

Fight performed by Dave Grant and Nick Gisonde

Rapier and Dagger Fight 1

Fight performed by Dave Grant and Nick Gisonde

Rapier and Dagger Fight 2

Fight performed by Dave Grant and Samuel J. Joseph

Meet My Friend Louie

Fight performed by Dave Grant and Nick Gisonde

La Boheme - Act IV Fight Scene

Bay View Music Festival

Stage Diretor - Brian Robertson

Fight performed by Aaron Taylor,

Gabe Lewis O'Connor, Bong Soo Kim and

Stephen Mumbert

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